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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Jeff Merkley
Senator, Oregon
MSNBCW 06/07/2013
Sen. Jeff Merkley: (The government can accept or seek tangible items relevant to an investigation.) What does tangible mean and what does relevant to an investigation mean? As I said then is relevant to an investigation a peephole with high standards set by the courts or is it in fact a barn door thrown wide open where the government can obtain any information on any one at any time. what this document says that was released yesterday is this is a barn door. The government can seek virtually anything on any and does so on a daily basis.
Jeff Merkley
Senator, Oregon
CSPAN2 06/13/2013
Gen. Keith Alexander: We don't get to look at the data -- Jeff Merkley: let me stop you there, Because these are requirements to acquire to analyze the data acquire the day. This is the application to acquire the data. Is here I have my Verizon phone, my cell phone. What authorized investigation gave you the grounds for acquiring my cell phone data? -- my cell phone data?
Jeff Merkley
Senator, Oregon
CSPAN2 06/13/2013
Part 1 Jeff Merkley speaking to Gen. Keith Alexander: I had an amendment last December that said these findings of law that translate the requirements that are in the law into what is permissible needs to be declassified so we can have the debate. I believe that what you just said is you want that information to be declassified (that explains how you get from these standards of law)
Jeff Merkley
Senator, Oregon
CSPAN2 06/13/2013
Part 3: Jeff Merkley: I thank Chair Feinstein who helped develop and sent a letter expressing this concern about this secrecy of the interpretations of the FISA court. I do think it's time that that become understandable in public because otherwise how in a democracy do you have a debate if you don't know what the plain language means? I do have concerns about that translation, and I'll continue this conversation.
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